First Blog Post : How Tumblr Jumpstarted My Passion for Blogging.

If you're a blogger who started around 2008 to 2011 you probably started out the same way I did.

Some of you may know that I started my blogging journey back in early 2009 during my third year in high school when Tumblr-Famous was still a thing.

I have to admit that Tumblr has a very special place in my heart. It's the platform that introduced me and many of us into writing, reading, and reblogging the thoughts of other people. It also sparked my passion for digital art and web design.

In its own unique way, Tumblr made us feel more connected to strangers than facebook or any other social media platform back then. 

I mean, clicking that reblog button shows that you can relate so much to the person behind that post without even having a conversation with them.

Tumblr Reblog Button

After most of my reblog post, I started making some TYPOGRAPHY of my own. I would make TYPOSout of lyrics from bands like Paramore to singers like Katy Perry. I even make TYPOS out of quotes from my favorite books. That's how I started to learn how to use Adobe Photoshop.

An example of a song typo that I made

One of my favorite quotes from my all-time favorite book. Love The One You're With.

One of my favorite quotes from my all-time favorite book. Love The One You're With.

Oh! and do you remember "Ask Anon"? This is indeed one of the most brilliant features of Tumblr. Whether you admit it or not you may or may not have sent yourself ANON questions just so you could discuss a certain topic you sheepishly wanted to dive into. Do you remember that one ANON who kept coming back to ask you a thread of silly personal questions until you later found out that you actually knew them? There are so many funny and memorable ASK ANON experiences that most of us had. Some ANON people even refuse to reveal themselves to us just because.

The infamous Ask Anon
I even had several Tumblogs for different purposes such as one for reblogging, one for making typos and banners, a personal Tumblog where I rant about anything under the sun.

After Tumblr, I made a blogger account in 2015. And yes its the same account I am using now. ( I unpublished all the post for a clean slate due to the quality of the photos in my blog back then)
I used to blog here about makeup and anything related to beauty but I stopped using it when I went to Dubai for work. Alas! this blog was forgotten and buried.
My First post on blogger

Fast forward to 2016, I was struck with boredom and homesickness abroad so I decided to create my own website via Bluehost. I still remember how giddy and excited I was back then to finally have my own website. was my first try on taking blogging seriously. I started going out and writing religiously about all the things, food, and places I was able to experience. It was one of the happiest and most productive I have ever been in my life. But work and other personal stuff got in the way. A career opportunity arises and suddenly I was up for a promotion and never managed to go home on time.  There were even times when I had to cancel my days off. and that's why I stopped blogging and decided to delete the blog without having any backups of the wonderful experiences I had written there.
The only screenshots of my website that I have left. All contents are deleted now.

Leaving my job in Dubai was a tough decision to make yet I know that by doing so I will be able to once again chase my dreams and start focusing on the things I really want. After all, if you want to improve the quality of your life the best thing to do would be to start focusing on the things that give you fulfillment and joy.

So here I am, once again trying to grow. From that high school girl who fell in love with blogging because of Tumblr to a microbusiness owner, a Youtuber, and a Blogger.

Life is happening now. If you know what you love you have to be more passionate about it and trust that all the hard work you put in will be fruitful one day. 


  1. Goodluck on your blogging babe. I am glad that you pursue writing

    1. Thank you Jean. Kind words like yours truly motivate me.

